Kirsch Messtechnik
Hauptstraße 40 - 95361 Ködnitz-Fölschnitz
Telefon: 49 9221 83801

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  • bild01Wir haben für jede Situation das richtige Messgerät!
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Produkte - Temperatur
Rauchgasmessgeräte Temperatur Infrarot-Temperatur Relative Feuchte Klimamessung Drehzahlmessung Stationäre Messtechnik Temperaturfühler Messdatenerfassung Lichtmessung
Handgeräte Fühler Erfassung / Logger
Escort iMini MU-IN-D-16-L
Every logger is supplied with a simple USB to USB cable for PC connection and travels with the logger in the consignment.

Report generation includes a summary of transport condition, time spent out of specification and trip statistics. In addition the report provides date, time and temperature of all readings plus a graph of the temperature of the trip.
The PDF report can be validated by Console software by emailing the PDF report and binary files to the Supplier thus meeting the requirements for 21 CFR Part11.